Pregnancy gets a lot more exciting in the second trimester — it’s the time when you finally get to find out the gender and start shopping for ALL the things. It’s also when you get to experience the first little kicks and movements from your growing little babe! I wanted to share a quick recap of how my second trimester went — details from our gender reveal party, Jared’s reaction to finding out he’s going to be a Dad to a little girl, and lots more. If you missed my first trimester recap, you can find it here.
gender reveal details:

We threw a donut themed gender reveal party on May 8, 2019. I went with a donut theme because, the day I found out I was pregnant, I bought powdered donut holes (I like to say that donuts were my very first pregnancy craving ha!).

Party Supplies:
We loved popping this gender reveal balloon! These gold balloons spelled out baby which matched this gold boy or girl 7 foot banner! boy or girl we donut know print and donut forget your milk printwas perfect to display on our donut table. This editable invite we sent out via text to our friends and family! I loved having different heights for the donuts to be displayed — these clear donut serving stands were a fun addition. I DIY’d the donut banner due to lack of time to wait for shipping but found similar ones for sale here and here.

when did you find out the gender? Waiting until 20 weeks to find our the gender seemed way too long for us. Luckily, our medical center offers early gender scans! So, we went in at 16 weeks! The gender of our babe was inside this envelope for more than 24 hours. We didn’t know what we were having until we popped a balloon at our gender reveal party, the next day!
have you cried over anything silly? This question makes me laugh because, the answer is YES x 100!!! I’ve always been an emotional person but, being pregnant has taken it to a whole new level. A couple things that made me cry in the second trimester: 1. Jared got home from work one day and made me a huge cup of ice water. I was happily sipping my water until, I got a random red pepper flake that was stuck on the cup. It hit my lip and I started bawling. 2. I don’t even like milk — actually, I hate milk. But, when I opened up the fridge and discovered an empty milk jug, I started crying uncontrollably and said to Jared “What if I wanted cereal for breakfast tomorrow morning?”. I’ve also cried over things like Jared not liking an outfit I picked out for our baby or my dog not giving me enough attention. Haha!

how did Jared react to finding out he was going to be a Dad to a girl? First of all, Jared is SO excited to be a Dad!! He is forever surrounded my ladies in his life (me + our two girl dogs) and couldn’t be happier. He can’t wait to meet his little princess! With that being said, he was absolutely SHOCKED when we popped the balloon and pink confetti flew out! Jared was 110% sure that we were having a boy. When we popped the balloon at our gender reveal party, Jared did a double take while I was jumping up and down with joy. This little girl is about to rock his world + I can’t wait to see him as a Dad.
when did you first feel your baby kick? I found out at my 20 week anatomy scan that I have an anterior placenta. Having an anterior placenta meant that I would be less able to feel my baby’s early kicks and punches, due to the placenta serving as a cushion between my baby and my stomach. I finally felt the first kick on June 20th (I was 22 weeks + a few days). It was around 5:30 PM and I was relaxing in bed when I felt two kicks in a row. To be honest, it totally scared me feeling her kick for the first time! I actually googled right after “baby kick scared me” to see if any other moms were surprised by the first kick, too. A few weeks later, around 6:45 in the morning, she was kicking like crazy. I put my hand on my stomach and felt her kick my hand for the first time! It was such a special moment.

how did your 20 week anatomy scan go? Our anatomy scan went great! It was so much fun to see every detail of our baby’s body. Our doctor was very thorough and went through each ultrasound shot with us. He explained what he was looking at on each picture like: being able to see all four heart chambers, checking for all 10 fingers and toes, etc. We learned our girl was the size of a banana and weighed 10 ounces that day! The picture of her little leg above is my absolute favorite.
is the glucose drink really as bad as everyone says? No way! My glucose test was on July 11th — I was 25 weeks at the time. I chose the lemon-lime flavor and was so nervous to drink it, thanks to all the horror stories online. I chugged my drink quickly and felt like it just tasted like a flat soda with extra sugar! Baby girl brewer’s heartbeat was 150 at my appointment that day and I passed the glucose test!
how have you been feeling? Feeling blessed to have had such an easy pregnancy, so far. I finally like drinking plain water again (a huge aversion I had in my first trimester). I still haven’t experienced any nausea but, I have experienced round ligament pain. The worst part of my second trimester was getting a really bad cold, back in June. I was sick for almost a month straight and, there was a two week period that I couldn’t smell or taste anything — it was absolute torture.
The day of the party, my Mom and I were running around picking up fresh donuts and running last minute errands. We headed to Zurcher’s to get all the balloons blown up for the party and were informed of a helium shortage. The cashier told me they wouldn’t be able to blow up my balloons because, I didn’t buy them there! With tears welling in my eyes, a little old grandma (who also worked there) asked me what the balloons were for. The grandma had a soft spot for babies and told the cashier to blow them up for me! Crisis averted.
Pregnancy has been such a joy in both of our lives and we couldn’t be more thankful for this sweet little blessing! We can’t wait for baby girl brewer to make her debut in October!