low carb pizza casserole, allthingslexington.com

Pizza is my husbands favorite meal ever. Like, if he were in prison choosing his last meal he’d ever eat, it’d be pizza (knock on wood)! I, on the other hand, have never been an avid pizza lover. Even with our different food preferences… I’m happy to report that we both loved this low carb zucchini pizza casserole!


If there’s one thing I am totally “nerdy” about, it’s kitchen items. I could spend hours browsing all the different gadgets online. There are just so many! I rounded up my top 4 “go to” kitchen tools that I can’t live without. Putting these in your kitchen will make cooking in the kitchen a whole lot easier, whether you’re chopping, baking or mixing.


As far as I’m concerned, there are two types of people in the world: Thin Mint lovers and Samoas lovers. I’m Team Samoas all the way! You just can’t beat the taste of toasted coconut, caramel and chocolate. I crave those Samoas alllll the time, even when they’re not in season. This recipe will help you get your Girl Scout Samoas cookie fix at any time of the year.


January is always the perfect month to make a list of goals for the New Year! One of my goals this year is to continue personalizing my home, which is why I have teamed up with a group of bloggers to take the $100 Room Challenge hosted by Erin of Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry. For the challenge, you get 4 weeks and only $100 to complete a room makeover. Erin’s hope for this challenge is that you find some inspiration, and realize that, even if you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend, you can still create a personalized space that you’ll love.
