S U R P R I S E!!! Last week, Jared and I finally shared our exciting news that baby girl brewer is on the way — due in October! I didn’t get into too many details last week, but this week I wanted to share more. Okay, a lot more. Everything from how I found out, Jared’s reaction, my first trimester, and a few more common questions!
Today I’m 17 weeks!! Honestly, I can barely believe it. It feels like just yesterday that I was nervously unboxing my clear blue pregnancy test! But at the same time, it feels like I’ve been keeping a secret for so dang long. Jared and I decided to keep the pregnancy private (not even telling my Mom!!) until I was 12 weeks along. It was so hard to hide such a big secret, but I’m so happy it’s finally out in the open!
It was Sunday, February 24th, I was in the bath and started googling early symptoms of pregnancy (like, my eczema that seemed to be flaring up lately!). I read that with increased hormones, your skin can be more sensitive while pregnant. Jared also randomly had just told me about a dream he had where he was a Dad! With all the coincidences, I decided that the next day, after work, I’d go and buy a pregnancy test. I got off work at 4 that day, which is unusual for a Monday. As I was driving, I was thinking about how long ago my last period was (it had been over 6 weeks). I stopped by Walmart on my way home to get the pregnancy tests, dog food and I picked up some powdered donut holes while waiting in the self-checkout line. I thought to myself — are donut holes my first pregnancy craving? Haha!
When I arrived home, I nervously opened my Clear Blue pregnancy tests. One was a digital test and one was a classic with the + or -. I chose to take the digital test. Who knew that taking a pregnancy test would result in pee flying everywhere? Note to self: do not hold the test up that close. It said that the test would take up to 3 minutes to reveal the results. I swear it was only about 3 seconds until that one word popped up: PREGNANT.
I felt all kinds of emotions rush in all at once: nervous, happy, scared, excited and more. My little sidekick, Lola, peeked her head around the corner for some emotional support as I sat there, in disbelief, staring at the word “pregnant”. I took a picture of the test at 4:42 PM Monday, February 25, 2019. Still in shock, I felt like I needed a second confirmation. So, I tilted my head sideways and drank some water from my bathroom sink. I sat down on the toilet and peed on the classic stick. Pretty soon — same result +.

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I was full of so many emotions and I couldn’t wait to tell Jared. I knew that he would be so ecstatic! It’s no secret that Jared pretty much wanted to have kids the day after we were married so, I knew that he would be the happiest guy alive!
Jared was still at work so, I raced to Ross where I couldn’t find anything gender neutral. My next stop, of course, was Target! I got a 3 pack of white Carter’s onesies and a 4 pack of baby socks. Jared called me on his way home and I told him that I got him a surprise and that when he got home he’d have to find it! That’s when his scavenger hunt started…
- Clue 1: Hi baby! So glad you’re home! This Monday has been a great day — go to the place you lay!
- Clue 2: The next clue will keep you on your toes, go to the place you wash your clothes.
- Clue 3: Now go ahead and get changed for the day. Once you are comfy find where the old school Bulls play.
- Clue 4: Wanting more? Why don’t you check the front door?
- Clue 5: Don’t worry, your search is almost over. Check behind the paper towels and you’ll get some closure!
- Clue 6: Before your hunt ends, give me some lovin. Then go look, there’s something baking in the oven!
- Final clue: The suspense is over, you don’t have to wait anymore. Check for your surprise behind the pantry door!
Inside the pantry door was the note, baby onesies, baby socks and my positive pregnancy tests.

When Jared read the card, he kept saying “Oh my gosh, are you serious?”. He was completely shocked but, so excited and so happy! His eyes even started to well up with tears (if you know my husband, he is not a crier!). We went and celebrated by eating some Red Robin for dinner and talked about all things baby! We didn’t stop smiling the whole night.

We kept our news a secret for 6 long weeks! At 11w 5d, I had my first ultrasound and it really started to sink in that we were actually going to be a Mom and Dad, in just 6 short months! Jared was so nervous during our ultrasound that his hands started to get clammy haha! It was so crazy to finally see our little babe on the screen. Since I haven’t felt sick (more on that below), it was so reassuring to see the baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat to know everything is progressing like it should be! The night of our ultrasound, we couldn’t wait another second longer, and decided to announce our news to all of our friends and family.
first ultrasound
were you sick during your first trimester? I feel extremely lucky to say, no! I wasn’t sick at all. I felt mild nausea during week 8 but, I never threw up. During my first trimester, I was extremely tired and fatigued all the time! I fell asleep early every night.
any food aversions? I didn’t really have any food aversions but, I had a HUGE aversion to water. Which is so strange because, I love water. I had to add flavor packets, like crystal light, to force myself to drink water. Luckily, I am able to drink water without anything added now!
any food cravings? Coke slushies were a frequent choice of mine during the first trimester! I also sent Jared to the store once to get me some butterfingers. Side note – did you know that they changed the butterfinger recipe? This pregnant momma is not happy. The original butterfinger tastes way better!
has your diet changed? ABSOLUTELY. Before I found out I was pregnant, I was on a very low carb diet. The diet I was on wasn’t a healthy one for a pregnancy. I ditched the diet the day I found out I was pregnant. My first trimester I ate whatever I wanted which included a lot of: burgers, french fries, ice cream, and bread.
when is your due date? Our little babe is due in mid October! Jared’s birthday is October 11th and he has always loved having a Fall birthday. He’s rooting for our girl to come early so that they have the same birthday. I just really hope she comes earlier than Halloween.

so much great information on here, : D.